Program List

The number of (the)data : 6
  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • On-off drama

  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • On-off drama

The Real Thing


Kuzumichi Tsuji is a “Good man” who has a good reputation for his work. He has casual relations with two women in his workplace, however, he feels kind of bore for dull days without excitement. He has never fallen in love with someone from the bottom of his heart.
One day, he meets a mysterious woman named Ukiyo (means “transitory world”) and saves her life who was about to die in a railroad crossing because of her car’s engine problem. Ukiyo is beautiful, but her off-guard attitude causes lots of problems for other people including Tsuji. Though he notices her troublesome nature, he unconsciously gets involved with her. Gradually Tsuji comes to have a dangerous relationship with underworld figures. Even he loses usual life style, he is willing to save Ukiyo, but that leads him to an even worse situation.

の2人のOLと深い関係にあった。 ある夜、辻は、不思議な雰囲気の女性・葉山浮世の運転するレンタカーが踏み切りで立ち往生し
は解決したが…。 その後、街で浮世と偶然に再会した辻は、浮世がやばいスジからの借金を抱えていることを知る。関わりたくは


  • Human
  • Romance
  • Tearjerker

  • Human
  • Romance
  • Tearjerker

his ~I didn't think I would fall in love~

his ~恋するつもりなんてなかった~

One day at the end of winter, two high school boys ran into each other.
Shun, a high school student who visited his father in Enoshima island and Nagisa, who love surfing hiding away in Enoshima island. Their friendship gradually changes in love. The two high school boys struggle to find their true feelings of love for each other. Finally they notice they are in love.
Loving someone is normal but it also shapes your life forever.
It is an awkward and frustrating time but also one of the purest love stories of all time.

「2006年 冬の終わり。 ボクの前に、カレが現れた。そして、ボクとカレの物語が始まった―。」

  • Comedy
  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Quizshow
  • Reality

  • Comedy
  • Adventure
  • Nature
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • Quizshow
  • Reality

HAPPY CAMPER~We have started camping~


This program is “Outdoor Document Variety” that camp beginners (MC: comedian OGIYAHAGI) have a pleasant experience with happy friends. Because it’s difficult for them to try camping by themselves, they invite some campers who have experience camping and try camping for one day which the guests will decide.
This program will also help you release your stress and let you sit back, relax, and enjoy your time.



  • Comedy
  • Detective
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Detective
  • Mystery
  • Romance

The Detective Couple


A police lady who is called the Iron Lady has a secret.

Keiko Kyodo” is a super detective woman with intelligence and a great figure.
Not only suspects but also the other detectives shrived up at the touch of her hear icy eyes and her razor tongue. She has excellent intuition. Because of her high arrest rate and her ruthless investigation style, people call her “The Iron Lady”! 

However, once Keiko goes home, she suddenly changes.
She is affectionate with her cute, younger husband, “Shintaro”, at home. Shintaro is a free illustrator and he does housework.

Keiko sometimes has a talk with Shintaro at dinner about cases once they go cold. Despite the difficulty of solving the case, he gives her brilliant insights into the case. Based on his tips, Keiko is able to solve the cases.

被稱為冰女的女刑警 有著不為人知的秘密…身材姣好身手矯捷的愛知縣美女刑警 京堂景子29歲。她說出尖銳的發言和凝視別人的眼神,不只是犯人,連在現場的刑警都不寒而慄。



「ただいま〜、新太郎く〜ん♡」ウチに帰ると年下夫の新太郎にデレデレ!? 草食系美男子の新太郎を強引に押し倒す景子は、可愛くてちょっとエッチなNEWタイプの女刑事である。

  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • For Women
  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • For Women

Love Story from A Hundred famous poem(Hyakunin Isshu)


I’ve just received a postcard from Ecuador. My best friend, Yusuke who loves traveling all over the world always sends me a post card from everywhere he visits.One day, Fuko received a wedding invitation instead of a postcard…
On the first day Reina is working for a rental video shop as a part-time job, she is excited to work with Miyano who is her idol. However, she finds Kitamura, whom she dislikes, on working at the same shop. Though Reina wants to talk with Miyano, she cannot get along with him well enough. On the other hand, she is upset by Kiramura’s behavior.
Kaori is drinking out of desperation. She sees a restaurant inquiry form on her mobile. The restaurant is run by her ex-boyfriend.When she is typing, “I’m going to die tonight” on the inquiry form, a Shinto priest wearing the costume of the Heian period just appears with the wind.
★Hyakunin Isshu is a kind of karuta, Japanese traditional playing cards.The game is played mostly on Japanese New Year's holidays. On each card, a poem (waka) is written, and there are a total of 100 poems by 100 different poets."

【第一首】ポストカードの恋                                                    エクアドルからポストカードが届いた。世界中を旅する親友の佑介は、いつも風子に旅先からカードを送ってくれるのだ。

(EP3) 對失戀極有效的菜單

  • Family
  • Human
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • Family
  • Human
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker

Yurichika e, Mama kara no Dengon


This heartwarming and touching drama is based on the true story of Ms. Terenin Akiko.
「It’s fun to fall in love!」Akiko attempts to give her daughter love advice in this book as if talking to her future daughter. That’s because when writing this book she is diagnosed as having terminal cancer with little time left to live. While fighting cancer, Akiko finds herself creating a book about love, friends, studying, money, fashion, sex and other life lessons for her daughter Yuria, who is only 2 years old. She leaves her book for Yuria with a wish when passing away and moving on to heaven.
Despite the subject matter of a women and her struggle with cancer, this story is not gloomy and depressing. It is in fact a heartwarming story of the mother-daughter relationship (spanning three generations) told through the upbeat character of an active heroine whom any can relate to, and her strong-willed mother.




ベストセラー「ゆりちかへ ママからの伝言」の著者・テレニン晃子さんの強い生き方、実話を元にした感動の物語です。「どっきどきの恋は楽しいよ」そんな書き出しで、晃子さんは恋をする年頃になった未来の娘に向かって語りかけるように、母からの恋のアドバイスを『ゆりちかへ』の本の中で綴っています。